大众口腔成立于2007年,主要为患者提供各种口腔疾病的诊断、治疗、牙齿美容及口腔健康保健等口腔医疗服务。 公司致力于成为牙齿健康美容的专业服务商,以中产阶级为主要客户群,积极开发高端消费市场。目前已有十家连锁门诊部和一家口腔医院正在运营,业务的覆盖范围已辐射整个武汉地区。武汉大众口腔门诊部是一所集口腔医疗、预防、保健、教学、科研为一体的口腔连锁诊疗机构,于2009年纳入武汉市医保定点医疗机构。武汉大众口腔 是经卫生行政主管部门批准设立的口腔诊疗机构,设有口腔内科、口腔外科、口腔修复、口腔正畸、口腔美容等科室。
大众简介 | Introduction
DaZhong Dental owns one second-class hospital and 26 chain clinics; 200 complex dental therapy chairs, over 20,000 m2 operating area with 200,000 annual outpatient visits, and over 400 employees. Its NEEQ Listed Enterprise,Hubei Province “Defend Contracts, Value Credits”Enterprise,Chinese Stomatological Association Council Enterprise,Hubei Stomatological Association Standing Council Enterprise,Hubei Stomatological Association Private Dental Special Committee Chair Enterprise,Wuhan Stomatological Association Private Dental Special Committee Chair Enterprise,Pingan Wanjia “National Top Ten” Medical Institution,Designated Medical Institution for Wuhan Medical Insurance,Designated Medical Institution for Dongfeng Motor Corporation.
(一) 团队 | 群英荟萃 Team·Elite Gathered
Dazhong Dental has professional management team, respectful experts’team, and skillful clinical team with over 20 chief and associate chief physicians, and over 30 physicians, 33% of technical personnel hold middle above and senior professional titles.
DaZhong Dental deep roots the idea of “life-time learning”, conducts regular internal training, further study, academic discussion, skill competition, sends technical experts to the U.S., Germany, Australia, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan to attend academic exchange, improving skill levels.
(二)技术 | 精益求精 Technology·Excelsior
DaZhong Dental keeps up with cutting-edge dental techniques, promotes vigorously advanced, practical and safe new techniques and materials, always leads oral treatment techniques, provides patients with diverse and targeted treatment options and the best treatment experiences.
DaZhong Dental upholds the idea of ‘Quality is Life’, optimizes medical and nursing procedures, establishes complete three-degree, four-level quality control network; strictly executes Oral Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Regulations , Oral Care Operation Process , Oral Appliance Sterilization Operation Regulations , Medial Quality and Safety Management Core Regime ,conducts daily quality inspection, regular assessment and evaluation, effectively reduces inner institution infection, improves medical quality, insures medical safety.
(三)设备 | 追求精良 Equipments·Pursuit of Refined
(四)服务 | 关爱顾客 Serve·Care for Customers
省心武汉大众口腔医疗股份有限公司医疗机构遍布武汉三镇、深入街道社区,为顾客提供 “串门式”可及服务;武汉大众口腔医疗股份有限公司配备专职咨询、接待人员,为顾客提供诊疗现场全过程陪护服务;武汉大众口腔医疗股份有限公司简化就医流程,实行挂号、收费、发药“一站式”服务,彻底免除顾客排队烦扰,为顾客提供“省心”医疗服务。
AssuringDaZhong Dental serves to satisfy the customers, forbids fake and exaggerate propaganda, avoids over excessive examination, treatment, medication and charging, operates with regulations and integrity to protect customers’ rights.DaZhong Dental keeps introducing advanced equipments, refining medical skills, and enhancing quality control to guarantee medical levels.DaZhong Dental has established customer service department to conduct service training, competition, inspection, and assessment within the company, conducts registration and revisit to follow up the subsequent treatment and recovery, resolving any concerns from customers, providing assuring medical services from before, during and after the treatment.
SoothingDaZhong Dental creates family-style waiting areas, private-protected treatment areas with gentle lights and music to relax and comfort the patients.DaZhong Dental applies minimally invasive and painless comfort treatments that effectively reduce customers’ physical pain.DaZhong Dental promotes people-oriented services, such as psychological consultation, four-hand operation, and health education, etc. effectively reduces psychological fears, providing soothing medical services.
Worry-SavingDaZhong Dental operates in all three towns of Wuhan to provide ‘drop around’ reachable services.Dazhong Dental is staffed with full-time counseling and registration personnel, providing whole process companionship.DaZhong Dental simplifies the workflow with one-stop services that contain registration, toll and dispensing, exempts the worry of over-queuing, making medical services most efficient.
(五)文化 | 止于至善 Culture·Strive for Perfection
DaZhong Dental serves the aim of ‘Health and Caring’, pursuits the mission of ‘Bring Healthiness and Happiness to Every Customer’, upholds the philosophies of ‘People Oriented, Succeed through Diligence’, ‘Pursuit Excellence, Strive for Perfection’, ‘Advance through cooperation, Innovate through Pragmatism’. Implements the co-winning idea of ‘Customers Respect, Public Trust, Government Supports, Employees Honor, and Shareholders Pleased’. Determines to become the domestically leading, world-class dental institution.
(六)管理 | 科学规范 Management·Norms of Science
DaZhong Dental applies modern enterprise management theory, constructs complete and efficient regulation, process, and standard system, builds management software system with self-owned intellectual property, strictly controls the implementation of the key regulations, keeps improving the scientificity, standardability, institutionality and informationizability, strives to be the industrial benchmark of institutional management.
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